Just Focus On Being Happy Here

Before returning to the Ikeda family home, Hisaki asked Mayuka if they could make a stop at any book store. She bought a few books regarding accounting and bookkeeping for practice purposes.

"I've set the appointment. It's three days from now at 8 AM," informed Mayuka once she made a phone call, "The place is in the direction of the port. It's a thirty-minute walk from here."

"Thanks, Mayuka," Hisaki smiled, "Hehe, I need to brush up my skill."

"Good luck! Go and study now. I'll call you once lunch is ready," Mayuka added teasingly, "I'll make you my specialty dish!"

"Then, I'll cook once for you if I passed the interview," Hisaki laughed softly, "I'll go to my room first. Thanks again, Mayuka."

"You can count on me," replied Mayuka with a confident smile.

Inside the guest bedroom, Hisaki went to wash up her face first. She recalled what Mayuka told her about the company that was recruiting for the position.

To Hisaki's pleasant surprise, it was the trading company where Heisuke used to work before he opened his own business later. Even after he was freed from prison, Heisuke's old boss contacted him, asking if he wanted to return to working there.

After a few years, Heisuke opened a convenience store under his boss' branding.

Hisaki had forgotten that Mayuka had a friend whose father owned a trading business. If she recalled correctly, her friend's name was Kinoshita Kaori. Hisaki met her a few times before in her previous life.

Ms. Kinoshita was a good and capable young lady. She took control of her father's business and expanded it, leading to exponential growth. As far as Hisaki remembered, she settled down abroad and married a foreigner.

"I have to get this job!"

Even though Hisaki actually planned to find a job at the inn where Heisuke's mother was working, she thought that this was a very good opportunity.

Aside from being able to work in the same company as her old man, the good pay and high possibility to learn something new also enticed her.

Hisaki was working on the second set of accounting questions when she suddenly received a call from Takuya. She quickly picked up the call.

"Hello, Takuya?"

Takuya's anxious voice blared from the end of the line, "Sister! How's today? Are you alright? Do Sister Mari's relatives treat you well? You said you wanna get a job, have you found one?"

Hisaki was dumbfounded by the missile of questions coming from her brother. She laughed out loud.

"Hey, calm down," Hisaki could imagine the nervous look on Takuya's face, "Didn't I say that everything is good here? We've exchanged texts this morning."

Takuya only replied to Hisaki's last night's texts during breakfast. He shared a few bits of what was currently happening at their family home.

As expected, their grandfather was enraged.

Old Mr. Chisaka couldn't believe that his son, daughter-in-law, and beloved grandson helped his granddaughter plan her escape. When he already caught on to it, it was already too late.

No wonder she acted so obedient for the last few days!

Their house was a mess. The old man threw everything he could grab and shouted at them. Old Mr. Chisaka demanded to know where Hisaki was heading but, all three of them refused to say anything.

It was a fact. Among them, only Takuya was aware of Hisaki's exact destination. Mr. and Mrs. Chisaka only knew that she chose a faraway place.

"I'm just worried. I could only call you now to talk," Takuya sighed in relief hearing his sister's hearty laugh, "Even though you stay with Sister Mari's relatives, it's still a place where you haven't been. So, how is it? Are Kaagawa City's coastlines so beautiful?"

Hisaki's face brightened at the mention of the beaches. She began recounting her morning to Takuya including the interview that would take place in three days.

"Hurm, even if I couldn't get the job, there are still many choices here. I heard the local tourism is developing so, many places need to recruit more staff."

This was indeed true. Starting this year, Kaagawa City began its new tourism project to attract new tourists. The city hall went all out in organizing events whether it was simple ones or held any cultural importance.

"My sister is so great! I believe you could get the job!" Takuya exclaimed in determination.

Hisaki laughed heartily once again. This brother of hers was more silly during his youth.

"Ah, I forgot to tell you something," Takuya's cheery voice faded to a serious tone. He sounded hesitant, "This morning... Grandfather went to the police station."

Hisaki stopped laughing. An urgent sense of crisis overcame her earlier happy mood. Frowning, she asked, "What did he want to do? Did he go to meet that trash?"

Takuya quickly refuted her, "No, the bastard young master isn't allowed to meet anyone other than his lawyer. Grandfather wanted to report you missing. Luckily, Uncle Satoshi notified his subordinates to ignore his claim."


Hisaki's mind went blank. She had difficulty accepting what Takuya was telling her. In the next second, she erupted in anger.

"Grandfather wanted to report me missing? Why? Did he think he could force me to return home if the police got involved? Why can't he understand that I don't want to be near him? Ever!"

Her mind conjured the nasty images of Old Mr. Chisaka. In Hisaki's memories, she never saw him smile or treat her gently.

Her own grandfather only showed a disgusted look whenever he saw her.

Hisaki rubbed her face angrily. Tears began brimming around her eyes. She really didn't want to cry but, the built-up resentment and disappointment she held against her grandfather continued to prick her heart.

In her previous life, Hisaki never talked to or meet her grandfather again after moving to this town.

Even during Mari's funeral, she didn't go to seek him. Instead of staying at her family home, she rented a motel room with Heisuke. Fortunately, her grandfather didn't attend Mari's funeral.

Only after his passing did Hisaki start to visit her parents again even though it only happened a few times.

Without her realizing it, Hisaki yearned for closure.

She really wanted to ask him why did he hold so much prejudice toward her just because she was born female? Couldn't he see how good she was at school?

His friends even praised him when they heard she was offered a scholarship to a good university yet, he stubbornly said it was humiliating for a young woman to seek more knowledge like a man.

'Stop thinking about this, Hisaki. You know that's who he is. Just stop...'

It might exhaust her more if she confronted her grandfather. Her frustration could soar up to another level.

'Yes, Hisaki. Just focus on being happy here.'

Hisaki pulled a tissue from the low table she used for studying. Her sniff echoed inside the room. She coughed a few times.

Takuya heard the faint sobs coming from the end of the line. He frantically tried to appease her sister's gloomy mood.

"Sister, don't worry. Uncle Satoshi said the police would only accept the missing claim if our parents were the ones who reported it. Mom and Dad told the police that you only migrated to another city for job purposes. There's nothing to worry about."

In Takuya's view, this was the first time their parents did a good thing for his sister. Sure, they gave her meals and shelter but, there were just basic things that any parents were expected to provide to their child.

Usually, their mother and father would just bow down to their grandfather's cruel whims. Fortunately, they cooperated well in deceiving the old man to free his sister.

"Okay, I understood," Hisaki heaved a long sigh, "Thank you for worrying about me, Takuya. Take care of Mom and Dad. Ah, you don't have to call me often. The charge is expensive."

There was no affordable data plan because the internet hadn't been widely used. Calling another number and talking for long would rack up the bill charges.

"Alright, Sister. You shouldn't worry about us. Good luck with your interview. You can do it!"

"En, bye-bye."

Hisaki hung up the call before Takuya could greet her back. She put the phone down on the table. Her face and eyes were still red.

'I need some air.'

Hisaki went to wash up her face. Before going out, she told Mayuka that she wanted to stroll around the neighborhood for a bit. Mayuka was startled to see her puffy eyes but Hisaki assured her that nothing happened.

"Are you sure you want to go alone?" asked Mayuka again.

Hisaki nodded, "I've memorized the roads. Sorry if I worry you, Mayuka."

"No, don't be," Mayuka quickly shook her head, "Bring your phone with you. You've saved my number, right? Be careful. Ah! Bring an umbrella! It's really hot outside."

"Alright. I'll return soon."

Hisaki quickly headed to the main road with a yellow umbrella shielding her from the sun. The temperature was high. Her back was already sweating by the time she left the block.

When Hisaki was passing the playground, she saw a few children playing there. If she remembered correctly, a building of shop lots would take this place later. The original playground was transferred to an area nearby the elementary school.

'Should I go there?'

Hisaki was unsure if she would be able to meet Heisuke today but, she planned to head to the apartment building where he was supposed to live.

'Let's just go.'

Hisaki turned left from the intersection. With a smile curled on her lips, she left her previous sadness behind.