It's Nice To Meet You

"Oh, you're a new tenant here? I live upstairs! Which unit is yours?"

"No. 2-5, the last one on the right."

"Hehe, I live in No. 2-1."

Hisaki followed Mrs. Saeki while cradling a few apples. The latter got other things in her hands. Both of them walked up the stairs on the left side of the building.

The closer Hisaki got to Mrs. Saeki's apartment unit, the heavier the pounding of her heart.

This would be her last step before meeting him!

Mrs. Saeki stopped in front of the door. She called out, "Son! Are you in there? My hands are full! Please open the door!"

Startled, Hisaki widened her eyes.

Was he really inside? She thought he was away working.

While Hisaki was desperately preparing her mind, the doorknob was twisted from the inside. The sound of a metal security bar getting unlatched was transmitted in between the narrow door gap.

"Mom, welcome home."

Heisuke appeared right after the door was opened. A loose sleeveless T-shirt and a pair of short pants clung to his tall body. He smiled at his mother before he realized there was someone else with her.

"This is..."

He had never seen her before. Was she a new worker at the inn?

Hisaki stiffened the moment their eyes met. A puzzled gaze from him sent shivers down her spine. She averted her eyes away and looked down at her feet.

'Calm down... He's alive...'

Hisaki silently battled with the sudden onslaught of feelings overwhelming her heart. No matter how much she anticipated this meeting, she couldn't help but be reminded of the image of his tombstone.

Mrs. Saeki joyfully answered, "The plastic bag's broken. This young lady helped me to pick up the items. Oh, actually she's a new tenant here."

"Ah, the apartment on the right?" Heisuke blurted out.

"How do you know?" Mrs. Saeki asked.

"I saw someone moving in this morning," responded Heisuke. He looked at the red apples cradled by Hisaki, "Let me get them. Thank you for helping my mother."

"Ah... yes," Hisaki absentmindedly nodded.

Heisuke carefully picked up the apples one by one. Hisaki tried not to flinch when his fingertips unintentionally grazed her arms. Her clueless old man just dutifully took the apples from her.

"Then, I'll leave," Hisaki smiled at Mrs. Saeki, "It's nice to meet you."

"Ah, don't go yet," Mrs. Saeki quickly said, "It's dinner time soon. Why don't you stay for a meal? Just treat it as a housewarming gift from us."

Hisaki blinked. She asked quietly, " that alright with you?"

At first, Hisaki wanted to politely reject the invitation because they were basically strangers at this point. She didn't want to forcefully intrude. But, her heart pushed her toward saying yes.

"Of course!" Mrs. Saeki was beaming, "We're neighbors. It's just me and my son at home and it's better to have company when eating, right?"

"Then, thank you for your invitation," Hisaki smiled softly.

Heisuke took all of the items from his mother's hands. He silently gave the new girl a look before he got back inside the apartment. Mrs. Saeki and Hisaki followed behind.

"Mom, I'll prepare the dish now," said Heisuke from the kitchen.

"Alright. Make it especially tasty ah! We have a guest tonight," Mrs. Saeki responded while putting down her bag on the cabinet.

Hisaki was invited to sit at the low wooden table. Mrs. Saeki excused herself to go and change her clothes. The middle-aged lady quickly disappeared behind the bedroom door.

" there anything I can help with?"

The silence was suffocating. Hisaki stared at Heisuke who was busy preparing dinner. The kitchen and the living room were only separated by a wooden partition.

"It's fine," answered Heisuke. As an afterthought and to be polite to a new neighbor, he asked, "Where are you from? I don't think you're from this city."

It was impossible for Heisuke to know all the residents of Kaagawa City but, he had a hunch that his new neighbor actually hailed from somewhere else.

"My hometown is a village in Najima City," Hisaki replied quietly. She was still feeling nervous communicating with a much younger version of her old man.

"Najima City?" Heisuke was shocked, "You came down from the north to here?"

If Kaagawa City was at the southernmost of the mainland, Najima City was located high up in the north, also bordering the mainland. It was a truly long distance for a young lady to come here alone.

Hisaki just nodded and smiled. She didn't offer any explanation.

Seeing Heisuke moving freely in the tiny kitchen reminded her of the times he prepared food for her. Due to her wrist injury that got worse over the years, her old man forbade her from cooking anything because she used to cut herself badly at one time she attempted to cook.

Mrs. Saeki finally came out of the room. She had changed into comfortable summer home clothes. She stared at Hisaki, "Girl, you're from Najima City? It's so far ah. Aiya, I haven't asked for your name!"

Hisaki let out a chuckle. She answered, "My name is Chisaka Hisaki."

"I'm Saeki Yasumi," Mrs. Saeki introduced herself, "My son's name is Heisuke. Since we're neighbors, you don't have to be too polite with me. Just call me Aunt Yasumi."

"Then, you can call me Hisaki, Aunt Yasumi," replied Hisaki who was pleased with her mother-in-law's friendly attitude.

Heisuke came out of the kitchen with two glasses of cold drinks. After serving them to the ladies, he quietly returned to continue making dinner.

Making cold soba didn't require too much time and effort. He had prepared the dipping sauce and the noodle soup base before his mother returned home. Frying some tempura and slicing some scallions for garnishes were the only things left.

"Hehe, sorry, Hisaki, it's too early to have dinner, isn't it?" Mrs. Saeki continued talking to the young lady.

"It's fine. I'm going to sleep early tonight anyway," Hisaki added jokingly, "Moving houses really tire people."

Heisuke was just as quiet as ever when his mother kept asking questions to get to know the new neighbor. He sliced the eggplants and mushrooms to be fried into tempura. Later, he would fry the shrimp before serving them with the cold soba.

Thirty minutes later, the three of them began their early dinner.

"Try the dishes, Hisaki," Mrs. Saeki put more shrimp on Hisaki's small plate, "My son is a good cook. I rarely cook dinner because of him."

"I'll eat well, Aunt Yasumi," Hisaki accepted the middle-aged lady's generous offer, "You should eat yours too."

While having dinner, Mrs. Saeki remembered a few things she hadn't asked Hisaki. Heisuke remained quiet as he enjoyed dinner.

"Are you still studying? Or, are you working?"

"I'd start working at Kinoshita Wholesaler this Monday."

"Oh?" Mrs. Saeki's smile widened, "My son works there too! Ah, so you two would be colleagues."

Heisuke finally looked at Hisaki who sat opposite him, "Are you the new assistant clerk?"

Hisaki nodded, "En. Are you one of the labor staff?"

"Yes," Heisuke picked up mushroom tempura from the plate. He said again, "I heard the office staff talking about it. It seems like Mr. Mayeda has a high expectation for you."

"It's nothing. I'm just applying for a small position," answered Hisaki.

She could feel her cheeks reddening as he continued staring at her. She hoped no one could see her blushing.

At this time, her old man was so young compared to when they first met in her previous life.

He was still taciturn but, the younger Heisuke exuded the air of energetic and capable youth, unlike the solemn yet dependable temperament he had later.

His swarthy skin was the result of him being beaten by the sun, wind and rain as he worked tirelessly ever since he was a young adult.

'He doesn't have the scar.'

On the spot where there should be a scar above his right eyebrow, Hisaki found none.

Once, her old man mentioned that he got it from a small incident during his youth.

Would it happen sometime later?

Hisaki just hoped it was really a small incident but, she also wished that no harm would come to him, no matter how big or small.

After dinner, Mrs. Saeki went to cut some apples. She insisted that Hisaki stayed longer before returning to her new place. The clock had just struck a quarter past seven.

"Did you say your first day is on next Monday?" Mrs. Saeki asked while bringing out a plate of sliced apples. She made them into bunny-shaped slices.

"Yes. Why, Aunt Yasumi?" asked Hisaki back in confusion.

Mrs. Saeki grinned. She glanced at her son who remained seated at the table.

"Heisuke, why don't you walk Hisaki there this Monday? After all, she's not a local here."

Stunned, Hisaki quickly shook her head, "Aunt, there's no need. I already know how to get there."

"It's alright," Mrs. Saeki continued smiling, "We're neighbors. My son's shifts always change so, since he works the morning shift this Monday, you two could just go together."


Heisuke finally chimed in, "It's no trouble since we're going the same way."

Hearing that, Hisaki could only agree.

After finishing the apples and talking some more with Mrs. Saeki, Hisaki finally left. She thanked them for their hospitality.

Mrs. Saeki reminded her to check on her door lock and windows before going to bed. Even though this area was generally safe, it was better to be cautious considering she lived by herself.

Once Hisaki closed her apartment door, she dazedly walked to the living room and threw herself on the tatami floor.

"...I met him."

Finally, she saw her old man with her own eyes.

Her vision was blurred by tears that rapidly pooled in her eyes. Hisaki covered her mouth as her sobs echoed nonstop in the living room. She was both laughing and crying at the same time.

He was still alive.

He was still full of life.

She was extremely grateful for that.