Welcome to My Fourth Book! ;)

hansora's here.

Gosh, I'm actually speechless and do not really know what to write here.

I still do not believe that it's my fourth book's turn to be released on the WebNovel platform. The idea for this book came when I was deciding which of my two fantasy romance drafts to be published first. So, this is the third idea.

I wrote heavily-influenced fantasy romance when I was younger but, it became hard for me as I got older. I might strive to do it next time but, let's enjoy another contemporary romance with a tiny touch of fantasy ;)

Although I enjoy the 'back to the past' genre, I haven't tried writing one. So, this is my first attempt yahoo + nervous! I'm not that confident this time compared to when I was writing my previous books which didn't include any fantasy element even though just a minuscule one.

At first, I chose to title this book 'For Our Happier Ending'. I justified it because the main couple experienced the end of their journey once one of them passed away. Then, my loyal reader, Sonia Sigh recommended changing the 'ending' to another word (Shoutout to her! Thank you!)

So, I think of using 'path'.

Instead of them having a happy ending after enduring a torturous path in their first life together, why couldn't they have a happy ending after enjoying a warm and happy path in their second life?

Life is not only rainbows and sunshine but, we should still try, right?

The time settings would mostly be in the late 1990s. I have made findings here and there but, I still might use incorrect facts, especially about the technology. Please forgive me on this one.

If someone knows any helpful website for this kind of matter, please share it with me :)

And, this story won't focus on the main couple getting super super and super rich. Accumulating wealth is good, but I rarely enjoy the books that heavily focus on it.

There would be character developments and grabbing opportunities in this book but, the main goal is for them to have a comfortable and happy life together.

To my loyal readers, I hope you guys will enjoy 'For Our Happier Path' as to how you love my previous healing and heartwarming romance stories.

To any new readers, welcome! I hope you will find this story to your liking.

Yours, hansora.