Just Wait For Me

After so long, today was finally Hisaki's first evening shift. Mr. Mayeda had trusted her enough to let her work alone with the groups of labor staff. She clocked in at 4 PM. Her shift would end at 12 AM.


Hisaki had just entered the warehouse when a male voice was calling for her. Her eyes instantly brightened the moment she saw him.

Not far from where she stood, Heisuke was walking toward her. He wore a round-collar T-shirt and a pair of cargo pants today. The sleeves were rolled up to his shoulders, showing his muscular upper arms. His short black hair was slightly wet because of his sweats.

"Heisuke, you haven't clocked out?"

Ever since that day, his name would smoothly leave her mouth every time they met. She didn't have to act formally with him anymore which delighted Hisaki.

Today, Heisuke's shift was in the morning. She didn't have the opportunity to go to work with him, much to her dismay.

"Just finished some more," answered Heisuke. He pulled one end of the towel that dangled from his shoulders and wiped his sweats, "Your shift ends at midnight, en?"

"Yes," Hisaki patted a hand against her crochet bag, "I've brought a torchlight and a whistle with me."

As Heisuke had reminded her before, she should be careful whenever she was assigned to the evening or midnight shift.

All of the other female clerks had either their husbands or fathers come to pick them up while she had no one. Hisaki took some precautionary measures to help herself.

"...just wait for me."

Stunned, Hisaki confusedly looked at her old man.

Heisuke covered his mouth. His brows were wrinkling but, the expression on his face was not something unpleasant.

To be exact, he was feeling shy.

Heisuke coughed twice. He spoke clearly this time.

"I mean, you should just wait for me. I'll come to pick you up."


"I'll come," Heisuke quickly cut her off. He lay his eyes on her face, "It's dangerous if you go home by yourself. I'll pick you up every time your shift ends late. It's not every night that I'd do this so, don't feel pressured."

Hisaki wanted to refuse but, she quickly swallowed the words from leaving the tip of her tongue. After a moment of thinking, she agreed with a nod of her head.

"Then, I'll trouble you."

It was a truly unexpected yet welcoming offer.

Since Heisuke was being generous with her, shouldn't she just take up the suggestion? Aside from having no worries about walking home in the middle of the night, she also could spend more time with her old man.

Heisuke shrugged. He pulled the towel from his shoulders and shoved it inside the pocket of his pants, "It's no trouble. En, I'll go home now. See you tonight."

"Okay. Be careful on your way home," Hisaki smilingly waved a hand to him. Her eyes shone with pure joy.

Heisuke just smiled before leaving the warehouse. His figure quickly disappeared from the huge entrance.

Hisaki didn't continue staying in the same spot. She immediately entered the office. The others were already preparing to leave.

"Hisaki, this is the list of tasks that you have to pay attention to later," Mrs. Koyanagi handed a paper to Hisaki. She also gestured at the files stacking on Hisaki's work desk, "You can do your task as usual. But, call me if you need any help. Just use the office line."

"I'll keep that in mind, Mrs. Koyanagi. Thank you for your help."

Hisaki quickly scanned the words handwritten on the paper. All of them were within her job scope so, they were not too complicated.

"Don't be so tense. Evening and midnight shifts are not as demanding during the day," Mrs. Koyanagi shouldered her handbag while talking to Hisaki, "Mr. Kajiwara is here. You can ask him anything."

"Hehe, I'll do that."

So far, Hisaki hadn't been given any hard task. She just followed along with the others to complete what they needed. But, last week Mr. Mayeda brought up a topic during their weekly meeting.

Their big boss, Mr. Kinoshita wanted to sponsor a group of staff, no matter from which department to join night school. Different subjects would be taught to the ones who fit the criteria and they stood the chance to be promoted later.

If their performance was excellent, they could further their study in depth while still receiving their salaries.

Mr. Kinoshita had a plan to expand his trading business. If everything went according to the schedule, he wanted to promote his loyal employees first if they had the potential. Only a few positions would be occupied by newcomers.

'Have Heisuke heard of the news? I wonder if he's interested?'

In her previous life, Hisaki had asked from where did Heisuke learn all the skills he taught her including English. Her old man said he learned them from books and by attending classes.

Was this the event that led her old man to learn those academic skills? She wasn't sure whether he joined this evaluation or not.

She should find it out later. Since her old man was a genius, he shouldn't be deprived of the opportunities! She wished to see him prosper earlier than in their previous life.

Let's encourage him to learn!

Thus, Hisaki put all of her focus to finish the tasks left by Mrs. Koyanagi. From time to time, she had to go and search for Mr. Kajiwara who supervised the warehouse during this shift. She was quick on her feet as she delivered urgent instructions to the labor staff teams.

Although Hisaki was the only female staff at this time, she didn't feel intimidated by the other men. They thoughtfully kept their distance from her even when they invited her to have supper together.

"Hisaki, you can leave early."

Mr. Kajiwara came knocking on the office door at a quarter past eleven.

Hisaki glanced at the clock before she looked up to the kind middle-aged man, "I still have 45 minutes left."

"Girl, it's fine if you go home early," Mr. Kajiwara lazily lifted up an eyebrow, "The others leave early too. Just go back now. Leave the rest to us men."


Could she do it? Although Mrs. Koyanagi and Mr. Kajiwara sang the same tune, saying she could clock out early, Hisaki was still doubtful. She didn't want to burden other people when suddenly her task came up after she left.

"That brat is waiting for you already," A meaningful smile curled on Mr. Kajiwara's face. He gestured in a direction with his chin, and his gaze fell on someone, "Don't let him wait for too long. Both of you work the morning shifts tomorrow, right?"

Stunned, Hisaki abruptly followed Mr. Kajiwara's line of sight. Her heart skipped a beat once she spotted Heisuke standing outside the office. He was talking to his co-workers while helping them to lift a few boxes.

"Err... I really can leave now?" Hisaki asked the supervisor again.

Mr. Kajiwara's laugh echoed inside the office, "Next time, I'll put you two together when it's your evening shift. Didn't you live in the same apartment? If this brat didn't come, I planned to ask one of the workers to bring you home tonight."

"Thank you, Mr. Kajiwara," Hisaki couldn't hide her smile, "I'll go home now."

"Good night, girl. See you tomorrow. I'm clocking out soon too."

Hisaki quickly tidied her work desk. The accounting report that Mrs. Koyanagi asked her to check had been completed by Hisaki after supper. There was really nothing else for her to do now.

After switching off the lights inside the office space and locking the door, Hisaki quickly made her way to Heisuke. The man noticed her movement. He handed the heavy-duty trolley cart to one man.

"Ready to go home?"

Hisaki smiled shyly, "En."

One of the men broke into playful laughter, "Wow~ Heisuke walks our office flower home tonight~ So gentleman ah!"

"Hahaha! I didn't expect this from him," Another chimed in.

"Shut up," Heisuke's gaze threw daggers at them but they just laughed together good-naturedly.

Hisaki blushed but she kept her composure. She gave the others a polite nod, "Thank you for your hard work. See you guys tomorrow."

"Thank you for your hard work too, Miss Chisaka," The first man waved his hand excitedly, "It's good to see the ice block shows his gentleman side."

Heisuke rolled his eyes. He feigned ignorance to what his co-workers were insinuating.

While the atmosphere inside the warehouse was a bit loud, only comforting silence enveloped the pair as they walked on the road. The orange glow of the street lamp poles illuminated only certain areas. Most of the area was quite dark.

Two shadows elongated on the tarmac as they walked side by side.

"I'm glad that you came to pick me up," Hisaki broke the silence between them. There was a hint of a smile in her voice, "I never thought it'd be this dark."

If she had to go home all by herself, Hisaki felt like she would continue running without stopping. It was so alarming to walk alone on such a dark and long road.

"Most residents here go to bed early," replied Heisuke quietly, "Even the shops are closed at nine. If you have anything urgent in the nighttime, you can come and get me. Don't go anywhere alone."

Eyes widened in surprise, Hisaki stared at her old man's side profile.

She thought she had just been imagining things but, she was certain now. Her old man was being so considerate to her.

Did this happen because of her? Or, did he just want to be helpful to the one who needed it?

Regardless what was the true answer, Hisaki didn't mind.

At the very least, she sensed that the distance between them was getting shorter.