If You Insist On Not Changing, Nothing Would Happen

Hisaki knew she had been delaying this matter for weeks. As long as she didn't make any significant move, everything would just be fruitless. She couldn't completely rely on Takuya.

After parting ways with Heisuke, she headed to one of the public phones.

Hisaki didn't immediately dial the numbers after inserting the card. For some reason, her heart began to pound heavily. The constant hammering sent a ringing noise to her ears. Her legs felt weak all of a sudden.

"It's now or never, Hisaki."

After taking a couple of deep breaths, Hisaki's index finger started to press on the keypad. The dialing sound almost got drowned by the erratic beating of her heart.

The call was connected after several rings.

Hisaki's uneasiness prompted her to immediately speak. Her voice was shaky.

"...Mom, it's me."

What followed next was a deafening sound, enough to freeze her in fear.


Old Mr. Chisaka's wrathful voice penetrated her eardrums. Hisaki's eyes widened. Shock and fright flashed in her gaze together with the frightening images of her patriarchal grandfather.

The old man didn't stop scolding Hisaki. He let out all of the anger that he suppressed ever since her disappearance.

"Do you know how humiliated I am because of you? The entire town laughed at me! They said I can't even teach a worthless granddaughter! Get your ass back here! If I heard you selling your body wherever you are, I'll tie you up and beat you..."

With a soft exhale, Hisaki calmly said, "Grandfather, I'm hanging up."


Hisaki didn't realize she used too much force when putting the phone back to the receiver. The shivering of her hands traveled up to her upper arms before it spread to her entire figure, almost draining her energy.

The calmness in her voice earlier was betrayed by the trembling of her body.

She made a mistake.

Hisaki had already guessed that her call might be taken by her grandfather instead of her mother but, she underestimated how his words could be fatal to her heart. She was being brainless to think that she could face the blow.

What a pathetic and foolish girl she was.

Even after life had given her a second chance, the old man's words could still affect her terribly. Their sharp blades pierced into her heart thus adding new wounds to her soul.

'Get a grip, Hisaki.'

Hisaki shook her head a few times. Even though she couldn't talk to her mother, she still could contact her father. Around this time, the shop was still open. It was safer to talk to him because she didn't have to be too mindful of her grandfather's unwanted interruption.

After Hisaki stabilized her emotions, she touched the keypad again. She faintly smelled the salty air brought by the wind.

"Dad, it's me, Hisaki," said Hisaki once the call went through.

"Hi... Hisaki? Is that... really you?"

Mr. Chisaka's incoherent words echoed from the earpiece. He sounded so surprised yet cautious at the same time. Hisaki unknowingly gripped the phone harder as tears suddenly stung her eyes.

"Dad, I'm sorry for not calling you or Mom until now," Hisaki didn't give excuses. She understood she had made both of her parents worried because of her actions, "How have you been, Dad? I just learned about you from Takuya."

Her younger brother had returned to the dormitory on the university grounds. It was the same case for Mari and Mayuka.

Takuya's long break wouldn't happen anytime soon but, he promised to often come back to check on their parents. The young man had yet to successfully persuade their father regarding the new business plan.

"It's alright... it's fine. Your mom and I understood that you might be busy over there," Mr. Chisaka quickly dispelled Hisaki's worries. He asked gently, "How are you doing over there? Takuya said that you've moved into your own place."

His heart carried heavy concern toward his eldest child but, he knew the best thing to do for her was not to interfere in her new life. Takuya had been saying how Hisaki had been settling down properly in a faraway place despite only knowing a few acquaintances.

It was laughable and ironic. His daughter's life seemed to change for the better once she was away from her family.

"I found an apartment with affordable rent. I also found a job as soon as I arrived here. Dad, you don't have to worry about me. Mari's relatives have been helping me with everything," Hisaki briefly reported her condition before she entered the main subject, "Dad, has Takuya told you about getting a new supplier?"

"About that... I don't think it's a good idea," answered Mr. Chisaka with a helpless sigh, "We've been cooperating with Mr. Kubo from the start so..."

Hisaki also wanted to let out a heavy sigh. She understood how hard it was to persuade her timid father.

Takuya had tried a few times yet, their father didn't budge. He kept worrying about every little thing. Their father also was reluctant to go against their grandfather.

"The decision is up to you but, Dad, I hope you'd at least listen to what I wanna say."

At this point, Hisaki just wanted to let her heart out. Her father might only change after a long time but, she didn't plan to give up. Even though it might take years, she would always try to instill the idea into him.

"Dad, I moved here because I want to change my life. You yourself know that if I continued living at home, Grandfather would nitpick over every of my life's choices. I do not want that. That's why I was so adamant about getting out of our home. I didn't feel safe and secure there."

Those words were harsh to be heard by her father but, Hisaki didn't want to have any regrets. She needed to let her father realize how damaging the situation at their home was.

"I can confidently say that my future would be better but, what about you and Mom? Dad, how long you'd let Grandfather manage your life?"

At the small shop, Mr. Chisaka was intently listening to his daughter's words yet, he couldn't help but frown, "Hisaki, he's still your grandfather. I'm his only son. You know..."

"Because of that, you're willing to let Mom suffer until the end?"

Hisaki's words stunned Mr. Chisaka.

"I not only want our family to be successful but, I also want to get Mom out of the house. Grandfather is getting old but, you and Mom too! Dad, you yourself know how Mom always cries because of Grandfather. Is that how you wanna treat your wife?"


"I'm not wrong," Hisaki insisted. Her voice grew tired as seconds passed by, "I do not ask you to abandon Grandfather. I just want you to set up the boundaries that you should've done ages ago. Is it bad to want a peaceful life?"

Hisaki had long known that her grandfather wouldn't ever change. She had witnessed it in her previous life.

Even after Mari presented the evidence of abuse she suffered because of Igarashi Keigo to the court during the divorce proceedings, her grandfather maliciously stated it was all her fault.

If she acted docile and was an obedient wife, her husband wouldn't punish her, those were his words.

"Dad, please think properly," Hisaki rubbed her face. It was tiresome yet, she still had to do this, "Aside from that, I heard that Mr. Kubo would increase the prices of the supplies again. The small shop might not last long if this matter happens nonstop."

"...I'll think about that," Mr. Chisaka sounded as exhausted as Hisaki, "Your dad is too incompetent, right? I even make my daughter worry like this."

"Dad, to be frank, you're a good son to Grandfather but..."

"I understood, Hisaki, I understood," Mr. Chisaka hummed, "Ever since you left, I've been thinking a lot, but..."

"I know it's hard to change," admitted Hisaki, "And... it's not my intention to hurt your feelings."

"I know, my daughter. Just... please give me more time."

"In the end, the decision is all up to you," Hisaki stated uncomfortably, "I can try to persuade you countless times but, if you insist on not changing, nothing would happen."

"...you're right."

Hisaki decided to end the subject for today. She might not succeed yet but, her heart felt a lot lighter after letting out the words she had suppressed for a long time.

"Then, I'll go now. Please send my regards to Mom. I called home first but, Grandfather picked up the call. You could guess how Grandfather greeted me, Dad."

"...I understood. Take care, Hisaki. Please, don't hesitate to call us if you ever need anything. No matter what, you still have your parents."

Her nose felt tingly. Hisaki quietly replied, "En. Take good care too, Dad. Bye-bye."

"Be careful over there."

Hisaki ended the call. The sourness spread to her heart until tears prickled her eyes. She lifted up her chin, trying to alleviate the sadness away. Her gaze rose to the sun that hid behind the dense tree leaves.

Everything would be fine, everything would be alright in the end.

This was just the first step.