If That Were To Happen, It Would Be Easier To Deal With Him Later

That morning, Hisaki sensed something good would happen to her. She couldn't quite put her finger on it but, the serenity of the quiet morning followed by the gentle sunlight was different than usual.

After Hisaki put some sunscreen on her face, she opened a box where she kept the letter. The envelope was crumpled slightly but, her old man's handwriting was still clear.

Because Hisaki often re-read the letter, she now could recite every single word without missing any. The love and affection that overflowed from her old man's heart continued to live on with the words he penned for her.

'Heisuke, darling, I love you.'

Hisaki kissed the letter dearly. After storing it properly inside the box, she got ready to go to work.