I Don't Want To Trouble You

Various sizes of ships with different kinds of goods were waiting at the port. Heisuke and his co-workers unloaded the ones intended for the warehouse. They exerted themselves from sunset until the moon rose up in the sky.

"Hah! Time to go back!"

At a quarter past eight, two trucks returned to the warehouse with the goods stored at the back. The other two were still at the port with different workers. Loud engine sounds coming from the ships intermingled with people speaking through megaphones.

Heisuke joined his co-workers to separate the goods into their respective categories.

The veins bulged on his arms and hands as he lifted up the heavy boxes. Sweat started beading on his forehead. His short hair clung to the forehead as the sweat trickled down his face.

At nine, the workers slowly left their workstations while some chose to continue working.

"Should we go to Old Tobe? I'm starving."

"Let's! I wanna have his ramen tonight."