83. In This Life, They Should Have A Better Wedding, Right?

[A/N: Check my paragraph comments to see the wedding outfits ;)]

The middle of October approached soon, marking the season for weddings to begin.

Hues of vivid yellow, orange and red from the forests of ginkgo, maples and other trees created a stark contrast against the bright blue sky, painting the hills and the mountains in beautiful colors.

The abundance of dazzling autumn leaves falling from the trees was perfect for picturesque nuptials. Surrounded by the fresh and crisp autumn air, no one would disagree that this was not an ideal time for weddings.

After months of agonizing waiting, Shuuya finally got married to Aino. The newlyweds only have close family members during the ceremony. Although they couldn't join the wedding ceremony inside the shrine, Heisuke and Hisaki still went to the venue.

The nuptial ceremony was held at the shrine where Hisaki met the mysterious priest.