A Good First Impression Was A Must

Standing next to Hisaki, Takuya openly stared at the man who came with his elder sister.

Was this really his sister's boyfriend?

Half a head taller than him and on the skinny side. The man's hair was short along with the bangs that slightly covered his forehead. His swarthy complexion might result in long hours of work under the sun. His sister did say her boyfriend mostly did heavy labor jobs.

Hurm... His face was not bad actually. Just slightly above average than most men in Takuya's opinion. 

Although Takuya was still suspicious, he had to admit that the vibe his sister's boyfriend gave off was good. Even Sister Mari praised this man when Takuya tried getting more info about him.

Takuya had seen both of them from afar. This man carefully shielded his sister when they had to walk through such a crowd.

Coughing once, Takuya toned down the unpleasantness of his expression earlier. He introduced himself to Heisuke.