Her Parents Were The Enabler For Such Behavior

Hisaki's plan to have a peaceful New Year's morning was shattered because of a woman's brain-dead action. 

Mika had reached twenty years of age. Why couldn't she understand that she could no longer act so stuck up like this?

But, there was actually nothing Hisaki could do. Mika's parents were the enabler for her current actions.

Giving Mika a dead expression, Hisaki stated monotonously, "You come to my house to disturb me. Aren't you afraid I'd report you to the police?"

The threatening look on Mika's face fell for a second. She quickly picked up her tough exterior.

"What? Your relative come for a visit yet you give me this attitude? You haven't apologized to your grandpa for running away! You've humiliated him!"

Even without Hisaki asking, she could see that Mika didn't come to pester her just for this reason. This delusional woman was blinded by jealousy again.