[Bonus Chapter] A Miracle Came With A Cost

Once again, an otherwordly sensation seeped into Hisaki the moment she locked eyes with the priest. As if time stood still, not even a single sound was heard by her except for her own voice.

"Mister Priest, you're here."

Her shaking voice was a stark contrast to how calm the priest's was.

The middle-aged man that was clad in the white priest robe kept staring at Hisaki. His brows were smooth, showing the tranquility of his state of mind. He bowed respectfully to her.

"Young lady, it seems like you've been looking for me."

The certainty that was imbued in his voice indicated that this mysterious priest had known all along about her searching for him. 

Hisaki placed a palm over her chest. Taking a couple of deep breaths, she tried to soothe the chaos brewing within her with the reappearance of the priest. All of the questions she wanted to ask jumbled up in her mind.

Wasn't this what she had been anticipating?