Can I Say That I Get Lost In Your Beauty?

Heisuke was being Heisuke.

Although the situation was kind of weird, he still said it was because she deserved it. If not, how could the old lady bestow her a precious jade bracelet during their first meeting?

In the end, Hisaki started wearing the bracelet. She was not sure how would this small jade jewelry protect her in the future but, it was better than nothing. Especially after she heard what Mrs. Fujimori had said.

"I hope there's no need for that, though," whispered Hisaki to herself, silently praying that she wouldn't ever be in harm's way.

After the community event at the retirement home, Hisaki, Heisuke and the others were once again busy with their jobs and night classes. Yet, Hisaki still planned to go to the senior living home on the weekend.

Whether she could pry for more information from Mrs. Fujimori or not, it was better to at least try. Like how she did before she was able to meet the priest again.