Bearing An Unexpected Bad News

The following day, Hisaki was busy as usual at work. She handled the current clerical tasks well before moving on to others. Not only she, but her colleagues were also completely occupied right now.

Lunch hour wouldn't start any time soon. It was still two hours away. Almost all of them had a mug of drink sitting on their work desks to quench their thirst. The sound of fingers flipping documents echoed in the small office, followed by the clicking of keyboards.

Knock! Knock!

The sudden knocking sound caught their attention. The door was opened from the outside.

When the ladies lifted up their heads, they were quite surprised to see Mr. Mayeda standing at the door. His expression was a bit off, unlike how generally calm he usually was.

"Mr. Mayeda, do you need something?" asked Mrs. Koyanagi from her desk. She immediately stood up to greet her superior.

"I need to talk to Miss Chisaka," replied Mr. Mayeda. His eyes landed on Hisaki's face.