Her Refound Joy In Nurturing Flowers

Soon, Mrs. Miyajima slowly pulled up the car outside the gate of the Chisaka family's new house. Although it was just a rental one, she was actually glad to know that Hisaki's parents had found a place only for them.

The two ladies emerged out of the car. Mrs. Miyajima threw her gaze around the one-story house.

The yard was neatly trimmed. With every blow of the coming spring breeze, the vibrant petals of flowers planted around rustled. The faint sweet scent that arose from the blooming flowers could easily lift one's mood up.

"I can see that you've planted more flowers than before," Mrs. Miyajima whistled in delight.

The last time she came here was less than two weeks ago. At that time, Mrs. Chisaka invited her over for some tea.

During their chat, Mrs. Miyajima could hear how cheerful Mrs. Chisaka was when she reminisced about her family trip to Hisaki's place in Konomiya Town.