It Was Such Foolishness

This time, Mrs. Miyajima only dropped Mrs. Chisaka outside the hospital. She didn't accompany the latter because she needed to make a stop at the nearby bank. Mrs. Chisaka profusely thanked her.

"Just call me if you need anything," Mrs. Miyajima reminded Mrs. Chisaka. She spoke to the latter from the unwound window, "If any of your relatives try to stir drama again, immediately call my husband or the other police."

"I'll do that," Mrs. Chisaka nodded firmly, "Thanks again, Masayo."

Mrs. Miyajima hit on the gas pedal again. Mrs. Chisaka waited at the roadside until the sight of the car grew smaller. Soon, the back views of other vehicles speeding down the road hid Mrs. Miyajima's sedan car from being seen. 

Turning around, Mrs. Chisaka lay her eyes on the tall building of the local hospital. This place was not as big as the hospitals in more developed cities but, the services given by the health care providers were also good.