I Want To Marry You This Instant!

"What do you think about marrying me?"

The question from Heisuke caught Hisaki off guard.

Her eyes grew bigger in shock, her mouth gaped open. She sprang up from laying down, sitting with both of her hands pressed on the mat. Her round eyes were still staring at Heisuke in astonishment.

"I do! I do! I want to marry you!" Hisaki repeated the same answer. Her head bobbed up and down, eagerly emphasizing her words, "I want to marry you!"

Hisaki thought it was just a dream but, her old man did ask such a question from her. What else could she do? She had to seize the moment and show him how happy she was!

This time, it was Heisuke who was perplexed. He didn't expect that Hisaki would reply in such an excited manner. Looking at how adorable she was made him break into a smile.

"Hehe, are you that happy to marry me?" asked Heisuke teasingly. He slowly got up and sat facing Hisaki. The light in his dark eyes softened.