Reassessing Their Marriage Plan

Hisaki only got truly better on the third day.

After being discharged from the hospital on the first day, she spent most of her time in bed. She felt too tired to do anything as if her body was hit by a truck.

The good thing was she no longer had the terrifying dreams of the past.

Still, Hisaki occasionally forced herself to get up in order not to stay cooped up in the bedroom. She would stand in the corridor to get some fresh air and watch the sparkling river surface.

The breeze felt so good to Hisaki. Her downhearted mood tended to ease up whenever she did that.

Heisuke went to work. Hisaki didn't allow her to skip it. But, he often returned to the apartment building when lunch hour came. With the bike, he arrived faster than usual.

Both of them had lunch together mostly because he was worried about leaving her alone until late evening. Her meals were mostly porridge but, sometimes she could get solid food.