Unexpected Money Pouring Down

Heisuke expected nothing when he got summoned by Mr. Kajiwara that morning. But, when the middle-aged man talked about giving him a bonus, he was perplexed.

"Mr. Kajiwara, I don't think there's a need to give me the bonus," said Heisuke after thinking, "I already get an additional allowance because I join the school program. Won't we usually get one when it's nearing New Year and during the quarterly performance review?"

It was not like Heisuke wanted to object to get the extra money but, he just felt weird the more he thought about that.

Did such a thing happen before? Not that he was aware of it.

Usually, all of them would collectively receive bonuses. Especially the one that was given when New Year was approaching. It allowed the employees to celebrate the coming festival with more ease.

Hearing Heisuke's questions, Mr. Kajiwara smiled faintly. There was something hidden beneath the smile.