The Big Amount Was Too Fishy

On the day the warehouse employees got their paychecks several days later, Heisuke went to the local bank to withdraw the money. Hisaki followed him. They went there after work hours ended.

For a small amount of money, they didn't need to go to the counter. The usage of ATM machines was expanded in the last few years. It was easier now than before.

Hisaki was the first one who took the money. She only drew out a certain amount. Many were still left inside her work account. She also didn't forget to deposit some inside her savings.

The withdrawn money was enough for her to pay the rent, and utility bills as well as to buy necessary daily items. She could pull out more if there was any need in the near future.

"Hurm... Should we have a nicer meal tonight?" mumbled Hisaki to herself. She leaned against the tree that was planted on the roadside.