This Is My Territory

It was late afternoon but, one pub in the downtown area was already bustling with patrons. Most of them were males, whether they had just returned from work or the unemployed.

The downtown of Konomiya Town was largely occupied by low-income class people. They lived in rundown apartments or small landed houses.

A few parts of the area were neatly maintained but, most of them were left to rot. This was a problem that the city council of Kaagawa City wanted to tackle. Yet, so far, not many things had been done successfully.

"Oh, what an honor to see the young master of Kawata family here."

When Shuuya walked inside the pub, one of the men who gathered near the entrance greeted him. The man's companions at the same table also recognized the young man.

The men worked for a construction site nearby. They had just gotten off work. Dirt and sweat were still left plastered on their faces and bodies.