I'm More Alive After I Realize I Have Feelings For You

Mrs. Saeki saw Mr. Hokama waiting for her to clock out. The man sat down to chat with the male manager of the inn after the guests that he brought here settled in their rooms.

"Do you really want to talk tonight?" Mr. Hokama sounded hopeful when he approached Mrs. Saeki, "Or, should we arrange it for later?"

Thinking that she shouldn't keep the poor man waiting for her definite answer, Mrs. Saeki agreed.

"Yes. Please wait, I'll go to change first."

Mr. Hokama said he would bring his jeep to the back gate. Mrs. Saeki just nodded before she headed to the changing room.

Most employees had gone home. Even if Mr. Hokama went there, most probably they wouldn't even notice him.

The back gate was not illuminated properly by lights and there were rows of bushy trees there. In their exhausted state, they wouldn't care about anything else aside from going home.