He Was Just Pretending Not To Know

Mrs. Saeki gasped. She was caught in shock. Heisuke's words earlier echoed deafeningly in her mind.

Heisuke put on a faint smile. He moved closer to his mother. Both of his hands found their way to her shoulders.

With their eyes still locked together, Heisuke whispered, "I accidentally saw you two before, Mom. I was waiting for you to tell but... you never did... until now. Even though I wanted to ask, I didn't want to put pressure on you."

Mrs. Saeki's eyes were stung with tears. They glistened under the moonlight. Her face which began showing wrinkles was caressed tenderly by her only son.

It turned out... he had known about it all along but chose to pretend that he was not.

Then, another realization dawned on Mrs. Saeki.

Wouldn't this mean Hisaki was also the same?

Hisaki's calm temperament after she opened up about Mr. Hokama the other day flashed in Mrs. Saeki's mind.

Really... These two were so concerned about her feelings.