Where Did He Disappear To?

"Hurm... I wonder what thing Heisuke's busy with Shuuya right now. Still, let's save him a portion of food."

Mrs. Saeki's voice was imbued with a trace of wonder. She looked at the apartment's entryway as if her son would walk inside in the next second.

"Ma, don't worry. Maybe they really have something important to discuss," Hisaki comforted her mother-in-law.

"Yeah, let's eat," Mrs. Saeki had no choice but to agree. Her mind was still thinking of her son.

Heisuke had yet to return home even though it was already dinner time. He sent a text to Mrs. Saeki earlier, saying he needed to stay with Shuuya longer. The same one was received by Hisaki too.

Thus, Hisaki and Mrs. Saeki had dinner without Heisuke, something that rarely happened before. He didn't specify when would he be back. The young man also reminded them to just eat first.