How Stupid And Low I Had Been

Hisaki persuaded Heisuke to lie down on the futon. She covered his body with the thick blanket despite his insistence that he could do it himself.

"So, what? I just want to pamper my man, can't I?"

Her witty words followed by a cheeky smile caused him to smile in helplessness.

Hisaki switched off the lights in the living room but not the kitchen. Soft lights of the kitchen diffused through the paper sliding doors, faintly illuminating the living room.

Lying on the futon, Hisaki's eyes were still peering at Heisuke. He was also staring at her. Silence suddenly ensued in the small living room before Hisaki broke it.

"Have you thought... what you want to do now?"

Heisuke mentioned that he felt betrayed and humiliated by Kousuke's questionable deeds. Hisaki tried guessing what would be her old man's next course of action to solve this matter.