Coming Home To Them

Heisuke's backpack was bulging all because he bought more than a few items for his mother and Hisaki.

The train departed at five as scheduled. He only arrived at the Kaagawa City Train Station around nine because he didn't get the bullet train ticket.

Instead of taking a cab, Heisuke hopped on the local bus. He had texted Hisaki earlier, saying he had arrived. His lady replied back, telling him that she would have his dinner ready before he came home.

Sitting in one of the window seats, Heisuke threw his gaze outside. He watched the outpouring of orange lights coming from the lamp posts and the shops that were still open.

The night atmosphere in this coastal city was not as grand as the capital. The attractions here were also fewer. But, Heisuke was in love with the tranquility that this city had to offer. He had gotten used to the slow pace of life here.

'I wonder what would happen in the future.'