Don't You Think It's Unfair To Him

Hisaki followed Mari to the latter's bedroom. Okawa Hitomi tailed from behind.

"My mom's out with my aunt. She should be home before three," mentioned Mari when she was serving hot tea and snacks to Hisaki, "Lucky we can meet today. I might go back to my gramps' house tomorrow."

Hisaki hummed in understanding. It was not weird for anyone to have an abrupt change of schedule.

Throughout the time, Hisaki was more accepting of being in the same space as Okawa Hitomi. Although she didn't really laugh when the latter cracked a joke, it was still bearable for her.

Hisaki and Mari shared the events that happened to them while Okawa Hitomi mostly talked about Mari's life in college. She also brought up Hayakawa Kyo in their conversation.

While they were talking, Mari got reminded of something. Looking at Hisaki, she promptly asked, "I heard about your dad's new store in Hieda Town. Has the renovation started?"