We Should Hang Out Together

Mr. Hokama certainly had a huge number of relatives. Both the paternal and maternal sides gathered at the house today because they wanted to meet Mrs. Saeki. 

To accommodate everyone, three long tables were set up in the spacious dining hall. Mrs. Saeki sat together with Mr. Hokama near where Old Mr. and Old Madam Hokama sat. The situation inside the hall was so lively.

"Have you guys thought about where to go after the wedding ceremony?"

"Yes, yes. Yoshito ah, you couldn't wrong Yasumi. Bring her on a honeymoon."

"How about your house? Have you asked Yasumi if she wanted to decorate it to her taste too?"

Sitting far from his mother, Heisuke was at the table where the younger generations were. Everyone was all polite and friendly to both of them, something that Heisuke was so grateful about.

All these years, New Year was a bleak moment for him and his mother. They could only visit their friends' homes to fulfill the sense of celebration.