The Chisaka Couple's New Life

Mrs. Chisaka went all out to welcome her daughter and future son-in-law home tonight.

The dining table was filled with Hisaki and Heisuke's favorite dishes. She also made some caramel pudding for them. Having a chilled one after dinner was certainly good and refreshing.

For tonight, there were only four of them inside the house.

Takuya would come home for the Golden Week holiday too but, his ticket was scheduled for tomorrow morning. He might arrive around noon because he came directly from the capital train station.

"So, the store has three staff now?" asked Hisaki over dinner. She was in awe listening to her father's story about the new convenience store.

"Two full-timers and one part-timer. So, your dad here won't be that busy every day," replied Mr. Chisaka. He picked some chicken karaage and placed them on Hisaki's and Heisuke's plates next to their rice bowls.

"Yes, you can have more free time, Dad," Hisaki nodded in understanding.