She Was Not The Only One Leading To A Happier Path In This Life

Hisaki and Heisuke were not in a rush to leave the forest. They walked leisurely at a slow pace while having a random chat. Several hikers had already overtaken them.

"I never thought there's a beautiful forest trail like this one," Hisaki was still in awe of what she was currently experiencing. Her eyes twinkled under the sunlight.

Heisuke had a fond smile on his lips. He reached out for Hisaki's right hand before giving it a gentle squeeze, "Yes. It's certainly different from our place back home."

Hisaki's smile deepened upon hearing that.

Even though Hisaki loved the atmosphere here, she still adored the place where she called home now more. Konomiya Town and its surrounding areas had a special place in her heart.

The ordinary roads that she often walked together with her old man hand-in-hand.

The sandy white beach where the waves gently rolled on the shore.

The park where they had occasional dates.