He Was Not Like Most Children

The boy was quiet throughout the time Heisuke carried him. He didn't even utter a single sound to either Heisuke or Hisaki which silently worried the couple. They were unsure if this little one could speak or if was he mute.

"That's the shed," exclaimed Hisaki once they got closer to the exit of the forest trail. It was the wooden shed next to where people parked their bicycles.

Heisuke adjusted the boy's position sitting on his right arm. He hopefully replied, "Maybe they already reported about him. Let's hurry."

Hisaki agreed with her old man. She also wished the same.

Because the little boy didn't speak nor answer any of them, Hisaki and Heisuke were not certain about when did he start to hide in the bushes.

Even though the forest trails were fairly easy to be conquered, having a child get lost was still a bad idea. Especially when more time had passed.