Planning To Meet Again

Turned out, Tadashi and his parents; the Nishikawa family actually lived in the neighboring city. They were here for the social gathering too because Mr. Nishikawa was a budding entrepreneur.

When the Nishikawa family was in Hieda Town last week, it was to visit Mrs. Nishikawa's maiden family.

"Really! How small the world is. After you and your wife left just like that, my husband and I really hoped to meet you two again."

Heisuke didn't correct Mrs. Nishikawa when the woman addressed Hisaki as his wife. He just followed along with what she said.

"I was surprised when suddenly Tadashi clung to my leg. Fortunately, he showed me from where he came."

Mrs. Nishikawa appeared embarrassed at the mention of Tadashi going to Heisuke. She was too engrossed in reading until she didn't realize her child went somewhere else. The piles of small toys were still scattered on the couch.