We're Only One Step Away

After the heartwarming scene that occurred, all of them were engaged in serious conversation. The topic was related to Hisaki and Heisuke's marriage plans.

Both of them were truthful about what they had discussed before even though they admitted that changes might be inevitable.

"We'll graduate from the education program in two years. We plan to get married in one year or one year and a half," explained Heisuke to all the elders. Takuya also intently listened to him.

Sitting next to him, Hisaki nodded, showing her agreement with Heisuke. She chimed in, "The probability of us being transferred together as a married couple is high. But, we can't say yet where do we'll be transferred to."

All of them were aware of what Heisuke and Hisaki were talking about. Sharing the same tune as the couple, they hummed in agreement.