Was He Here Too?

"...Mr. Moriaka?"

The young man who stood in front of Heisuke grinned. He said, "I've just met Mr. Kawata. He mentioned that you're here too. It's good to see you again, Mr. Saeki."

"Ah... yes, the pleasure is also mine."

Heisuke really didn't expect to cross paths with Moriaka Kazuhiko again. It should be almost one year since their last meeting. Although both of them didn't share a close relationship, Heisuke still remembered this young man.

Besides being Shuuya's acquaintance, Mr. Moriaka was a good friend to Kousuke.

The name instantly flashed in Heisuke's mind, followed by a question.

Was he here too?

Heisuke refrained from looking around the hall. He quickly recomposed himself before introducing Mr. Moriaka to Kenji. All three of them shared a short conversation before Mr. Moriaka excused himself.

Kenji glanced at Mr. Moriaka's disappearing figure. He asked, "Wow, I never knew you're acquainted with him, Heisuke."