Getting The Seal Of Approval

Heisuke was totally oblivious to President Kishimoto's knowledge about him. He was preoccupied with finalizing the new business plan before presenting the ideas to Mr. Hokama.

At the same time, Heisuke sought Shuuya's advice. The latter was happy to be of help. The experienced businessman held nothing back as he assisted his best friend with the business plan.

During a family dinner three nights later, Heisuke finally got the chance to present it. He and his stepfather had the discussion in the study room while his mother and Hisaki stayed in the living room.

"Heisuke seems so high in spirit," Mrs. Saeki made the remark as her eyes tenderly looked at Hisaki next to her, "But, this means that he gets busier, en? How are work and the class?"

Hisaki tilted her head, recalling the last few days before answering her mother-in-law.