The Past Caught Up To The Present

One week later, Kishimoto Group, the capital city.

President Kishimoto's eyes were brewing with a thunderous storm. His gaze landed on the pile of papers that were scattered on his working desk.

On them, a few photos of Heisuke in his daily life was included.


President Kishimoto roughly grabbed the papers and read them for the nth time. The information regarding Heisuke and his life was all printed on them.

+Saeki Heisuke, aged 26, started living in Kaagawa City after fleeing the capital with his mother

+Has been working at Kinoshita Wholesaler Warehouse, currently enrolling in a special education program aiming for promotions

+Engaged with Chisaka Hisaki, aged 24, they work together at the warehouse, also live in the same apartment building

+Saeki Heisuke's mother, Saeki Yasumi is married to Hokama Yoshito, a bigshot in Kaagawa City, she works at Kobata Inn