Do You Want To Destroy Me?

Heisuke didn't know the man's identity but, he had seen the slightly older man talking to Mr. Uehara a few times before.

At one time, he caught them looking at him while trying not to make it too obvious.

Unsure whether the two men were paying extra yet unnecessary attention to him or, was it just a wrong assumption, Heisuke didn't care. He might get the answer soon.

The hallway was quite empty, saved for a few guests who socialized there.

Some of them also headed out of the ballroom to get fresh air. There were two entrances that connected the hallway with the garden outside.

Heisuke slowed down his pace until he stopped right in front of a giant white panel window. Standing there, he feigned ignorance as he heard a set of footsteps pause behind him.

"Mr. Saeki Heisuke."

At the mention of his name, Heisuke held back a smirk. He took a brief look at his vague reflection on the glass window before he slowly turned his head around.