None Of The Boys Were To Blame For The Past

Heisuke waited for a moment longer before he finally ended the call. It seemed that Hisaki had already fallen asleep. Her breathing was steady, reminding him of the nights when he embraced her to sleep.

How he wished to return to that moment right now.

"Calling Hisaki?"

His mother's voice pulled Heisuke's attention from the phone to the door.

Mrs. Saeki and Mr. Hokama entered the ward. The latter was holding a jug of water.

"She's already sleeping," Heisuke chuckled, his tone imbued with fondness. He still held onto the phone, "She's that tired but, she keeps insisting that she's not."

Mrs. Saeki let out a sigh. She still couldn't forget how her daughter-in-law reacted on the day they received bad news about Heisuke.

"Hisaki's so worried about you. When you return home, make sure to get her to rest too, okay?"

"I understand, Mom."