His Regrets Had Entirely Left

Hisaki and Heisuke arrived at Mawasaki as scheduled at nine. The train station was not as packed as the one back in Kaagawa City. Hand-in-hand, they easily made their way out of the platform.

Looking at Hisaki by his side, Heisuke said, "We should call a cab. The bus has just left."

"Alright~" Hisaki threw her eyes to the cab waiting outside the train station, "Let's go now, hubby. I can't wait to take a nap."

"You're still sleepy even after napping on the train?" asked Heisuke, slightly stunned. His lips curved into a smile.

Hisaki pouted. She glared at Heisuke before replying, "And whose fault I couldn't sleep well last night?"

"...you're right. Let's get a cab."

Hisaki refrained from laughing when suddenly her old man blushed. His adorable reaction now was a stark contrast to how he acted last night.