She killed her husband

Édouard closed the diary and put the fountain pen inside the penholder. He leaned his back on the chair. He glanced at the clock, which showed 10:37 p.m., for a brief moment, and then looked at Rainard. 


"I safely escorted the Duchess of Beromont to the palace, Your Royal Highness," Rainard informed him. 




"Her Highness' family isn't good to her," Rainard answered. "Moreover, Her Highness' father suddenly got sick. So, she is blamed for that too," he completed his words. 


"Did she cry after I left?" Édouard asked. 


"Yes. The words of Her Highness' brothers were enough to make her cry. Her Highness's sister-in-law sounded evil too," Rainard stated. 


"I had warned Hayden to be respectful to Charlotte. I need to teach him a lesson," Édouard said as he joined his fingers and rested his chin over those calloused fingers. 


"May I ask a question from the Prince?" Rainard requested. 


"You may ask," Édouard allowed him. 


"His Royal Highness wasn't interested in marrying anyone, so why is he eager to marry the Duchess?" Rainard promptly asked. "There are many royal princesses that have lined up for Prince Édouard," he proclaimed. 


"Isn't this the decision of His Majesty?" Édouard asked Rainard. "I will get the territory of Beromont to rule if I marry Charlotte. I'd rather marry Charlotte than a royal princess. You already know what the condition of Beromont is! Mathieu didn't take care of the economy, and people are dying of hunger." He justified his reasons for agreeing to the marriage. 


"Any more questions?" Édouard asked Rainard. He shook his head. 


"Send Charles inside," Édouard ordered him. Rainard bowed and walked out of the study room. 


In a few minutes, Charles walked in with a notepad in his hand. He bowed before the prince and adjusted the rim of his glasses. 


"Charles, cancel tomorrow's schedule," Édouard told him. 


"Pardon me, Your Royal Highness?" Charles was bewildered by the Prince's words. "Is His Royal Highness not feeling well?" He asked, with a concerned look. 


"I am absolutely fine, Charles. I have private work tomorrow. So, clear my tomorrow's schedule." Édouard's voice was stern this time. Charles bowed and complied with his command. However, before leaving, Charles gave his opinion. 


"I have been with the Prince since he was born. It has been 25 years since I worked with him. Because he is the eldest child, he was supposed to marry first. However, he remained unmarried while his five brothers who were younger than him, married at the age of 21. Now, he has shown interest in the marriage, but many still think that he should not marry the widow of his younger brother," Charles opined. In that one-month period, Édouard had changed a lot. 


He was never bothered about any person in his life, but he always asked about Charlotte. He was never interested in any of his brother's lives. But suddenly, he grew interested in his brother's widow.


"Are you telling me not to marry Charlotte?" Édouard posed a question before him and arched his right brow.   


"His Royal Highness is right. I don't want him to marry the widow of the late Prince Mathieu. It is rumored that she killed her husband," Charles stated. He saw Édouard's jaw clench, and he realized that he had angered the Prince. 


"Charles, I don't believe in rumors. Also, it would be good if you didn't call her a widow. Since you have been serving me since the time of my birth, I forgive you," Édouard said. He didn't want to hear anything related to this and told him that he was dismissed. Despite that, Charles apologized to him before leaving the study room.


Édouard laid back on the chair and closed his eyes. His hands rested on his lap, and he soon fell into a deep slumber. But soon, his sleep was broken. He was habitual now. He was not able to sleep well. Was his insomnia returning? 


The door opened and he saw Sarah, the servant in his service. Sarah was in her late sixties. She had the lamp in her hand as she came close to the desk. 


Édouard rubbed his eyes and asked her why she hadn't slept till now. 


"How could I sleep when His Royal Highness was still out of bed?" Sarah asked. "Follow me to your chamber, Your Royal Highness," she said. 


Édouard hummed and walked behind her. He removed the waistcoat and went to bed without changing into the night clothes. Sarah covered him with the blanket and asked him if she liked Charlotte. 


"It is His Royal Highness's first time seeing the Duchess. She is beautiful enough to attract any man's attention. Unfortunately, she lost her husband at such a young age," Sarah said as she stood straight. 


"Will you not tell me not to marry her?" Édouard curiously gazed at her. 


"As if the Prince will listen to this old lady," Sarah said with a chuckle. 


"So, are you happy that I am finally marrying someone?" Édouard modified his question. 


"Indeed, this old lady is happy," Sarah said. "His Royal Highness' wife will then take care of him, which he is unable to do till now. I may retire then and go to the countryside to my home." Édouard ended up smiling at her response.

"Do you think Charlotte will be able to take care of me as good as you do?" Édouard asked. 

"Of course, Your Royal Highness," Sarah said. "I am confused with the Prince's sudden agreement for this marriage. Did he agree to marry Princess Charlotte merely because he want the territory of Beromont or is there any other reason behind it?" She squinted her eyes in suspicion. 

"The people are dying there. Do you want me to turn a blind eye to them? Unlike my father and brothers, I care about people more. People are the assets of a Kingdom and the King must help them grow, not exploit them," Édouard stated. 

"His Royal Highness always thinks about people and the Kingdom," Sarah said while shaking her head off. "Have a good sleep," she said. 


"You should sleep too, Sarah. Thank you and good night," Édouard told her. Sarah bowed and silently walked out of the bedchamber. 

Édouard put his right hand under his head and took a deep breath.