Getting Physical

Édouard opened his eyes and found it was morning. This was the first time he slept for more than four hours. Was it because Charlotte was beside him? He tilted his head and found Charlotte was lying close to him. 

She had moved in her sleep to his side. The pillows were no longer present in the mid-section of the bed and it made him smile. The more surprising fact was that her leg was lying above his leg. 

A few hairstrands were above her left cheek and eye. He brushed the hairs away and a tiny smile crept on his lips. His gaze remained fixed on her face. He studied it well. Sometimes he would look at her lips too, and his desire to kiss her would rise. 

For him, it was still a dream. Lying next to Charlotte, he had never thought it would ever come true. Now, he had to make a space in her heart which Mathieu took. 

**Flashback started**

 Mathieu looked at Édouard, whose eyes were on Charlotte. Her family and other nobles were invited to a party in the palace. 

"She is beautiful," Mathieu's voice fell on Édouard's ears, "isn't she?"

"She is pretty," Édouard admitted, and decided to walk away since his equation with Mathieu wasn't good.

"I will make her mine," Mathieu said. Édouard's steps halted at his place, and he turned to look, as did Mathieu. "You will be in the war for months. I have enough time to make her fall in love with me," Mathieu said, and a smirk appeared on his lips. 

"Don't involve her in our fight, Mathieu," Édouard said, with a stern tone. 

"I am not involving her in any fight. I will make her fall in love. I think Charlotte will look good with me," Mathieu said. Édouard grabbed him by his shirt collar and told him to shut his mouth. 

"Don't even dare to go close to her. I will not hesitate to take your life away," Édouard said while gritting his teeth. The guests present in the hall saw them and started to whisper among them. 

Charlotte looked in their direction when her gaze met Édouard's. She frowned while he let go of Mathieu. He stroked his hand through his hair and walked away from the hall. 

**Flashback ended**

Édouard wanted to step back from going to the war, but if he had done that, then they all would have been someone's slaves. His father, his brothers, and other chief nobilities were not worried a bit about it. Instead, they were busy celebrating and enjoying. They were too confident, thinking the army would easily defeat the neighbouring kingdom. 

When, after three years, Édouard returned from the long war, he found out Charlotte and Mathieu were in love with each other. Those wounds on his body didn't hurt him as much as he was hurt by the fact that Charlotte would never be his. 

Charlotte opened her eyes and looked at him. Their eyes were locked for a brief moment when the realization hit her. She used her entire strength and kicked him away. 

Édouard was lying at the edge of the bed, and he had no idea that she would kick him so hard that it made him lose his balance on the bed. He fell down with a loud thud. 

Charlotte immediately brought her hands close to her mouth and quickly checked on him. "Your Excellency," she said, looking worried, and then got down from the bed. Édouard was caressing his back when Charlotte came in front of him. 

She held his arm and helped him get up. "Forgive me. I thought you had come on my side," he affirmed. She had realized that she had moved to his side in her sleep. She made Édouard settle on the bed and asked him if he hadn't gotten injured. 

"I think I broke my hand," Édouard said. 

"What? Which hand? I didn't intend to do that," Charlotte said worriedly. 

"My right hand," Édouard replied. 

"May I check?" Charlotte asked. 

"Sure," Édouard allowed her. Charlotte moved his right sleeve up and gently pressed her hand against his hand. 

"It is a little red. Oh no. His Excellency has a lot of work to do," she murmured. Édouard's heart fluttered to see her concern. His eyes were glued to her while she continued to speak. 

"Does it hurt here?" Charlotte asked. 

"Hmm." Édouard's entire focus was on her. He absent-mindedly answered her, which Charlotte soon realized. She glared at him and then asked him if he was lying to her. 

"No." Édouard shook his head when Charlotte pushed him away. At that moment, he grasped her arm firmly. He landed on the mattress while she landed above him. Her hair fell above his face. He lifted his other hand and tucked it behind her ear while keeping his gaze on her eyes. 

"You were holding me tightly on the bed and even got on my side. How would you like to explain this?" He asked and pulled her down. Their bodies were pressed against each other, and his left hand was now on her waist. 

"I think the Duke did it. You threw the pillows away and pulled me on your side," Charlotte said. 

He chuckled to hear her explanation and shook his head. "When I woke up, I saw you on my side. Your leg was entangled with mine," he asserted. 

Charlotte's eyes widened and her toes curled. "Fine. I apologize. Now, His Excellency shall let me go," she sternly said. 

"I don't want to," he affirmed. 

Charlotte frowned to hear him and hit his arm. He smiled and then he flipped her. He was hovering over her this time, and she was beneath him.

"A few things which my wife should keep in her mind. She doesn't need to tell the servants how much she loves Mathieu. I don't want others to speak negatively about you. If you still do it, I will make you kill them. Other than that, I want my wife to throw out those photos from the table. If she fails to do that, then I will do it myself. Regarding getting physical, I will wait until you open your heart to me. However, do not expect that I won't show affection for you. I will be affectionate wherever it is needed. I hope you understood me clearly, Charlotte." 

He moved away from her and then, he left the bedchamber.