To the neighbouring kingdom

Charlotte brushed her hair while looking into the mirror. She was engrossed in Édouard's thoughts. She didn't know that he had feelings for her. She thought he had his eyes on her because of the territory of Beromont, but she was wrong.

But why he had feelings for her.

She put the comb on the surface of the dresser and heaved a sigh.

"He was playing your mind," she told herself, but the conversation with Édouard didn't stop bothering her.

Her eyes fell onto his reflection on the mirror and she promptly turned to look at him. "What is His Excellency doing here?" She asked, as her brows furrowed.

"I suppose, I can come here whenever I want to. Also, it's the night time and we are supposed to be together," he affirmed and moved towards her. Charlotte turned away and took off the red sapphire ring from her finger. She put it on the table in the ring box and stood up to go to the bed when she found Édouard behind her.

Her waist hit the dresser's edge. Her fingers curled on her dress to see his deep gaze falling on her. She felt naked even though she was fully covered.

"You left the dinner in the middle," Édouard said and took out a gold chain from his pocket. She glanced at him as he leaned forward to put it around her neck. Her eyes fell on the red sapphire pendant on it and then at him. His eyes were fixated on that pendant.

Charlotte found her heart racing when his fingers brushed her cold skin. Their eyes locked when he said, "this was with the ring set. Keep it always around your neck."

Charlotte lowered her eyes to look at the pendant and then at him. She wanted to ask why he was doing that. The words that he told her in the drawing room were they said with some intention. However, she wasn't ready to hear the answers.

She didn't want him to say that he liked her and also she didn't want to hear that he was joking around her. She was so confused with the actions of Édouard. On top of that, the revelation that Zoe did about Édouard had increased her confusion more.

She didn't want to believe that Édouard was a good person. The most common reason was the way he treated Mathieu.

"Why don't we sit on the bed and then, talk comfortably?" Édouard asked as he snapped his fingers in front of her eyes to bring her out of those thoughts.

"Pardon me?" She didn't hear him when Édouard held her hand, and she felt the jolt in her body. She wanted to pull her hand away, but he didn't let her. He took her to the bed and gestured to her to sit down. She complied with his command when he got on his knees.

He removed the slippers from her feet when Charlotte asked him not to do so.

"Why?" He asked as he lifted her legs to put them on the mattress. She clutched her night gown tightly and turned her head away.

Édouard went to the other side of the bed and got into the bed. He covered them with the blanket and asked Charlotte to sit close to him.

"I think this distance is appropriate," Charlotte opined.

"You are one meter away from me. How is it appropriate?" Édouard asked. "Come close, else I will close the distance between us."

Charlotte flinched her brows and moved a little toward him. "Is it alright now?" She asked him.

"You didn't even move an inch," Édouard said. Charlotte moved a little more when Édouard extended his hand out and held her arm.

"Ahhh," she screamed at him as he pulled her close to him.

"Now, it's perfect," Édouard said when Charlotte slapped at his hand.

"Don't do this from the next time. I will kick you away," She threatened him and it made him smile. She sat straight and crossed her arms. "Say it. What is it that you want to say?" she asked with annoyance in her tone.

"Don't you want your brother to get back to his job?" He asked and she finally looked at him.

"I want to. Will His Excellency do that?" she suddenly became hopeful to talk through him.

"Your tone changed again," Édouard said and his lips twisted into a smile. "You behave like a noble lady when you want something from me, and the rest of the time you'll be annoyed at me," he stated.

"Prince Édouard forces me to do that," Charlotte stated. "I will be informal with him then," she said and widened her lips, thus giving him a fake smile.

"I won't be here after a few days," Édouard finally revealed to her. "Before I leave, I will give the position on which Hayden was back to him," he stated.

"Where are you going? To the Capital?" She inquired him.

"Umm... I have to go to the neighbouring kingdom for an important work," Édouard answered. He didn't want to tell her that he was going to a dangerous mission as she might get worried, which he didn't want to happen.