Love the way you care for me [Bonus chapter]

The next day when Charlotte woke up, she didn't find Édouard around. She sat up on the bed and stretched her arms out. For some reason, she was getting better sleep after she had come here.

She got out of bed and wore the soft slippers when Zoe entered the bedroom. She greeted her while bowing her head slightly.

"Where is the Duke?" Charlotte asked.

Zoe was astonished for a second. Charlotte never asked about Édouard in the morning. This was unusual behavior of hers.

"The Duke is in his manor, Your Grace," Zoe replied.

"Oh. Did he leave in the middle of the night?" Charlotte was tired last night, so she didn't know if he was in her bedroom or not after she fell into a deep slumber. After he got upset with her, she wondered if he had already decided to be away from her.

"I do not know about this, Your Grace," Zoe stated.


Charlotte stepped up when Zoe put a silk overcoat on her. Charlotte tied the knots and went to the washroom to freshen up. While dressing up, Charlotte only had Édouard's thoughts.

The last night's words of her husband were still in her head. He loved her for a long time about which she had no idea. Her mind was telling her to find out why Mathieu challenged Édouard to claim her. She was a little hurt that Mathieu approached her because Édouard had his eyes on her.

"Your Grace!" When Zoe raised her voice, Charlotte came out of her thoughts. "Is there something that bothering Her Grace?" She humbly asked.

Charlotte shook her head and looked at herself in the mirror. The magenta gown with white-laced embroidery suited her. She sat down on the puffed velvet stool when Zoe started to comb her hair. "Keep them loose," Charlotte said.

Zoe made two thin braids and joined them with the gold hairpins. She brushed the remaining hair and used a pearl hair accessory which she wrapped around the braids. Once she was ready, she left to see Édouard. Charlotte met Charles on her way, who greeted her. He gave the way to Charlotte, who walked ahead.

Charlotte reached Édouard's manor and found him on the couch with a scroll in his hand. Seeing Charlotte, he put the scroll on the table before him and asked the servant to prepare the tea for them.

"I will do," Charlotte said.

Édouard glanced at her with an astonished look. Charlotte picked up the ceramic teapot which had blue flower patterns. She poured the tea water into the cup and then, the hot milk into it. She put one spoonful of sugar and mixed it well. She handed the teacup to Édouard, who thanked her when the cup fell off his hand and the hot tea burned his hand.

"Your Grace," Zoe ran to him and got on her knees. She started to wipe his hand with the handkerchief and asked the servant to bring the cold water.

For the first time, Charlotte felt strange seeing another woman near Édouard. She fiddled with her fingers, but she could not utter a single word.

Édouard, on the other hand, wanted to tell Zoe to step back. But when he noticed the unpleasant expression on Charlotte's face, he let Zoe do that. He wanted to see if Charlotte would be jealous to see that or not. His eyes landed on her hands, which were clasped together as if she was holding the anger.

"Come with me," Charlotte said and stood up. Édouard immediately followed her command and walked behind her. Zoe started to clean the table and the floor as she watched them leave.

Charlotte opened the door of the washroom and went inside. He also walked in behind her and saw that she had opened the water tap. "Put your hand under the water," she stated. Édouard walked up to her and complied with her. Charlotte saw that the back of his palm was reddened. She washed her hand while he amusingly peered at her.

"Do you not know how to hold a cup?" She asked and took his hand out of the water. She closed the tap and blew air over his hand. She kept scolding him.

It appeared a dream to him. This was the care that he wanted from her.

When Charlotte did not get any response from Édouard, she lifted her head. "Did your mouth also get burned that you are not speaking?" She arched her eyebrow.

Édouard chuckled and asked her if she would have blown air on his mouth too if it would have been burned. Charlotte's eyebrows drew close to hear such a thing from him and she pulled her hands back.

"Ask Zoe to help you. You were enjoying her company," she taunted him and turned to leave when Édouard grasped her wrist.

The next second, he drew her close by wrapping his arm around her waist. He had twirled her and their faces inched closer. "Are you jealous that another woman touched my hand when it was your right?" His fingers brushed the temple as a few hair strands tangled into his fingers. He gently lifted his hand and inhaled the scent of her hair.

"I am not jealous of Zoe," Charlotte said. "I do not care whether any woman touches you or not."

Édouard smiled at her and kissed her left cheek. Charlotte froze with the brush of his warm lips on her cold skin. She stopped blinking and she peered at him.

"Thank you, Charlotte. I love the way you care for me. I am happy after a long time," he stated and his eyes lingered on her lips. He briefly glanced at them before meeting her gaze.

"I will wait for you to open up for me. I can be patient for you," Édouard said. He gradually pulled his hand back and took a step back. "Let's go back," he opined and motioned his hand towards the door.

"Do not do that the next time," Charlotte snapped at him, and then quickly dashed out of the washroom. Édouard looked at his hand which got the burn and with a smiling face, he also went behind his wife.