Mesmerized to see her

Charlotte heard the gentle, deep voice of Édouard and pried open her eyes. She promptly lifted her head and rubbed her eyes.

"We have arrived," Édouard said and got out of the carriage whose door was already opened. Charlotte also came out of the carriage and placed her hand above his, who helped her get down.

He saw the saliva to the right of her lips and wiped it using his thumb. Charlotte got conscious thinking how the way she slept.

He pulled his hand back and lowered it. The sky had turned red as the sun settled down. Everything was so quiet and peaceful. She found out it was a place covered in forests and huge mountain cliffs.

Her eyes fell on the small huts and the smoke coming out of their chimneys.

Wait! Did Édouard not tell her that it was a secret place? He was such a big liar!

She found Rainard and Édouard speaking in low voices, which she was unable to hear.

She took a step close to hear what they were talking about when Édouard turned to her. She got startled and started to tuck her hair strands behind her ear.

"We have to walk a few meters as the path is narrow ahead," Édouard stated.

Charlotte hummed and walked past him to walk ahead. He walked behind her while the others followed them. The soldiers had carried the suitcases and other valuables with them as Rainard instructed them.

"Can you not walk slowly? This pathway is rocky. You may fall," Édouard suggested to her and asked her to be careful.

"Why did you lie to me? It's not a secret place," Charlotte said and narrowly glanced at him.

"When did I lie to you?" Édouard asked. He was puzzled by her reaction.

"You did. You told me it is a secret place that no one knows. So many people live here. Look at all those huts," She shifted her gaze to the small huts far from them.

"Then, do you know what's this place called?" Édouard suddenly questioned her.

Charlotte got stuck since she didn't know the answer. "My answer does not matter. You told me that no one lives here. The place you will take me to is a secret one," she proclaimed.

"It is indeed a secret to everyone in the Kingdom. Even you do not know what this place is called," he opined and smirked.

Charlotte stopped in her steps and so was he. They looked at each other and she found the smug on his face. "Then, every place in the Kingdom is secret to me. I have not visited many places," she affirmed.

"Do you want me to take you to all such places?" He queried and arched his brow.

"No. This is our last trip together," Charlotte said and again started to walk.

"That hurts." She heard Édouard say.

"I mean I will not come into your words after today," she stated and suddenly got a chill running down her spine. She shivered and started to caress her arms. Though she had worn a full sleeve gown, it was cold.

Édouard noticed that and started to unbutton his overcoat. He removed it and put it over Charlotte's shoulders, who looked at him. "I don't need it," she said in a low voice.

"You need it," he whispered.

She looked ahead and kept the hold of the overcoat over her shoulders. She got the scent of his from the coat and looked at him. "Are you not cold?" She asked and looked ahead.

"I am. Will you hug me?" He asked.

Her cheeks flushed red with that remark and she shook her head.

He continued to smile and they soon reached outside a house. It was made of mud bricks and red stone. It was not a big house, but it was enough for the people to stay in for some time.

She could see another house too in its vicinity and realized that would be for Rainard and the other soldiers.

"Greetings to the Duke and Duchess. This is Louis Carey. The caretaker of Old Janley Village," Louis humbly said. "Please follow me this way," he motioned his hand forward in the air. Both Charlotte and Édouard walked after him while Rainard led the soldiers to the other house.

Charlotte looked around the living room of the house which was illuminated in yellow lights and on the second floor they had one bedroom. Édouard thanked Louis for keeping the place neat and clean.

"If His Grace needs anything he can call for me," Louis said while keeping his head low.

"Sure," Édouard said. Louis left and closed the main door behind him.

Charlotte removed the overcoat and placed it on the sofa in the living room. She went toward the window where on the slab a flower pot was placed. She touched the petals of the lilies and smiled.

They heard a knock and Rainard walked in. He placed the two suitcases on the wooden table.

"Rainard, have dinner and sleep. You all worked hard today," Édouard said. He nodded and left.

Édouard picked up the suitcases and asked Charlotte to follow him up. She went after him.

She walked into the house and saw the large bed in the center of the room with a large glass window at its left end. She could see the deodar trees outside the window.

Édouard opened the first suitcase which had Charlotte's clothes and asked her to change into a comforting outfit.

She approached the table on which the suitcase was placed and took out a cream-colored nightgown. He showed her the bathroom which was next to the room.

Charlotte walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

Édouard went to the kitchen and washed his hands first. He wanted to cook today's dinner for Charlotte and looked at the baskets which had fresh vegetables. He lit the fire on the wood-burning stove. He placed a cooking pan above it and let it heat up.

He had planned this last night that he would cook the three times food for them with his own hands.

It took him an hour to cook the dinner meal and luckily, Charlotte didn't come downstairs till that time. He set the table and went upstairs to check on her. He didn't find her in the bedroom and turned to check the washroom when she walked in while drying her hair.

He was mesmerized to see her and his heart skipped a beat. Charlotte stopped to see him and lowered her hands. "I thought to take a bath. You can use the washroom," she stated.

"I will later. First, let's have dinner," Édouard suggested to her as he shook off his thoughts and went out of the room.


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