Loving you from afar

Édouard came to the bedroom after freshening up. He saw Charlotte was already on the bed with her back toward him. "She could have waited for me to come," he murmured and removed his slippers. He looked at the large window and put the curtains to cover it.

He turned and found her closing her eyes. "I thought you had slept," Édouard stated and blew the candles off from the candle stand. He let the two candles burn and got into the bed, next to her. He rested his body's weight on his left elbow and put his hand on Charlotte's shoulder.

"Why do we not talk since you have not slept?" Édouard suggested to her as he gently caressed her arm. Charlotte turned to face him and looked at him. The light in the room was dim and only the faces and necks were visible to them.

"What should we talk about?" Charlotte questioned.

"About us," Édouard replied. "Earlier, you stole glances at me. Do I look handsome?" His lips moved into a smirk.