I am a good kisser

Édouard had prepared the fish stew for them while Charlotte was still making the dough. He had asked her numerous times to let him help her, but she refused to take his help. 

Édouard looked at her face. Her cheeks and forehead were covered with flour. "You will finish the entire flour at this rate. Look at your fingers," he said. 

"It is because you troubled me the entire time," Charlotte put the blame on him. 

"Do you love to blame me when things go wrong with you?" He asked.

"Yes," Charlotte loudly said. "I mean no." Her answer changed immediately. It made Édouard laugh and she beamed at him in fury. "Stop laughing at me. I made the dough so well that day in the palace." She still wanted to prove to him that she knew how to knead.

"It was the head lady chef," Édouard replied. "Don't lie anymore and let me do it," he opined and grasped her wrist. 

"It wasn't her entirely," Charlotte said and looked away. 

"Tsk. When the lies are caught, the liar is punished," Édouard said.