You got jealous

Édouard settled back in his place and brought the bamboo stool closer to her.

"I forgot to pack food for us. What to do?" Charlotte asked.

"There is a natural garden of fruits ahead. That will be enough to fill our stomachs," Édouard stated.

"Ohh. That is great." She rose to her feet and asked him if she could roam around.

"Sure, why not? I will also accompany you," Édouard said and they both came down the tree house. While walking, Charlotte told Édouard how she wanted to visit such a place.

"Your brothers did not take you out?" Édouard arched his eyebrow.

"No. They were always busy," Charlotte replied. "Father could not either go on long journeys because of his health. Ahh, Mathieu promised me that he would take me to see the ocean, but he left," she stated and looked at him for a brief moment.

"I will take you after I return from the neighboring kingdom," Édouard said.