I do not want to lose you [Bonus chapter]

Édouard touched his cheek and gazed at Charlotte in bewilderment. "Do not follow me if you do not want to die with my hands," she yelled angrily as she swam to the river's edge. She squeezed the excess water from her dress and then went in the opposite direction, where the tea house was.

Édouard realized that he made a mistake by playing such a prank on her.

He came out of the lake quickly, put on his clothes, and ran to find Charlotte.

"Where did she go?" Édouard murmured as he stopped after running for a while. He called out Charlotte's name and walked forward. He started to run and finally found Charlotte, who was on the ground.

He dashed over to her and got down on his knees to investigate why she was sitting on the ground. "Charlotte," he said softly as he noticed her holding her right foot.