Accompany me to the Aezha Kingdom

Édouard returned with Charlotte to Wexnon Palace after two days. He thought he would enjoy his time with her, but it didn't happen. Charlotte was merely speaking with him when they were in that village.

"This won't do. I cannot see her getting away from me," Édouard murmured and he decided to take her with him on the journey. Since he wasn't going to any war, so it would be better if he took Charlotte with him.

Earlier, all he focused was on his Kingdom and people. Now, he was married and he should give attention to his wife too. If she would be away, then the distance between them and their hearts would only increase.

He wanted to be a perfect husband for her. He wanted to show her that even if there was a bet between him and Mathieu, he cared for her happiness all the time.

The only way to express his true thoughts was, to communicate with her, on daily basis and that was possible when she would be with him.

Édouard turned and asked Charles if Charlotte had woken up.