A private message? [Bonus Chapter]

The following night the carriage stopped inside the palace gates. Rainard got down the horse and opened the carriage's door.

Édouard stepped out and extended his hand out for Charlotte. She placed her hand above his while her foot rested on the footplate. Édouard helped her get down and then he looked ahead.

The King of Aezha along with his Queen, sons, and daughter were standing a few meters away from them to welcome them.

He glanced at Charlotte and asked her to stand next to him. She hummed and they both started walking. They halted before the King and the Queen to formally greet them.

King Godwin Hughes welcomed both of them and opened his arms to hug Édouard. "Welcome the Duke of Wexnon," Godwin said and they pulled away from the hug and looked at Charlotte. "Glad to see that Prince Édouard has finally married," he stated.

"The journey was long, so they must take the rest," Godwin said and looked at the Queen.