Fountain named 'Tears of Sorrow'

The unexpected compliment from Édouard vanished Charlotte's anger. She pursed her lips together and slowly bit her bottom lip.

"You should let me go before anyone sees us," she said.

"Well, this is an isolated part of the palace. The servants come here in the morning to clean this place. After that, nobody comes here," Édouard replied.

"How do you know so much about this place?" Charlotte squinted her eyes in suspicion.

"Just like you, I got lost once here," Édouard said.

"Then? Who saved you? It appears like a maze," Charlotte said and moved her eyes around.

"Aurora found me," Édouard answered. Charlotte promptly tilted her head to gaze at him. She placed her hands on his shoulders and used her entire strength to push him away. Oppositely, he used his grip as firmly as he could around her.

She took a deep breath and asked him if he would keep holding her the entire day like this.

"I told you that I am not letting you go until you kiss me," Édouard said.